Dancing in the Moonlight

Dancing in the Moonlight

The Romantical Adventures of Whit & Eddie #18

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Details coming soon!

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This is the final book in The Romantical Adventures of Whit & Eddie.

This novel includes much more than the usual metaphysics and some far-out scenarios that you may or may not believe.

But it will definitely be a fun final trip!

Previous book in series: #17 Ride Captain Ride

About The Series: The Romantical Adventures of Whit & Eddie

Howdy! I'm Eddie. Whit and I have fallen in love way too fast.

We're jumping into our new life together in ways that no one with a lick of sense should ever do.

Woo hoo! This is going to be fun!

If you're new to this series, start with the prequel where Whit and Eddie meet and fall in love:

Chasing Eddie